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Art & Health Awareness Foundation, Inc.
Health, Performing & Visual Arts

"A Unique & Beautiful Way to Present Jazz

Jazz appears in a lot of different environments...
In clubs, in concert halls, in festivals,
and in New Orleans, in parades.

Our latest podcast features a
fascinating interview with a producer
who has created a new context for
the music that I hope catches on."
                        - Lester Perkins - Jazz on the Tube

We were humbled and honored when Jazz on the Tube's Ken McCarthy contacted us for an interview. Ken sent our interview to Jazz on the Tube's 20,000+ subscribers.

Click here for the Jazz Informance Jazz on the Tube podcast.

Subscribe to Jazz on the Tube!

Increase your music education. A black & white archived classic, jazz video every day. 

Jazz Informance is now Art and Health Awareness Foundation, Inc.